We anticipate that the coming years will be even more challenging for the immigrant communities we serve. Now more than ever, we need to stand firm in the belief that our country has a big heart, inclusive, and welcoming to all those in need. Supporting the vital work of Friends of Orange County Detainees is one way of living out these values.
Your tax-deductible contribution will help us:
- • Reach our goal of visiting every detainee in Orange County (through greater program visibility in the community to attract additional supporters and volunteers).
- • Prevent asylum seeker homelessness (through coordination of Transition Program services and occasional temporary housing for asylum seekers).
- • Food, clothing, mobile phones, and miscellaneous travel expenses for asylum seekers to safely reach their new communities.
Donation amount
How often would you like to donate?
Friends of Orange County Detainees may contact me at the email address to include future events and activities.
I agree to the terms and conditions of Friends of Orange County Detainees' donation policy.
On behalf of the detainees and asylum seekers we support, thank you for making a donation towards restoring hope and humanity.